Sunday, October 22, 2006

Hi all, May god bless you,,,

Let's open a door for discussion, open a door for exchanging points of view, we can exchange power points in each other, let's drop hatred, drop wickdness, cruelty,it doesn't matter if you are a muslim or not, just feel free, to say what you wish,without any opression or even influence,from no one, who ever he is,we all come from one father and mother and this fact can never be changed by any politics, let's respect each other, don't insult me and i won't insult you under any circumstanses, and my final word is derived from our Holly Quran:

" Say we believe in God, and what is brought to us, and brought to our fathers,abraham, Ismail, Isaac,Jacob and the sebets, and what Moses and Jesus had been given,and what all the prophets,had been given from God,we do not differntiate between any of them and we are his believers"

thanks a lot

Ahmed Fahmy Gad

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