Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Please know me better,,,,

My name is Ahmad Fahmy Gad

Some moments i am happy, most of the time i am sad

asking why?Giving away valuable things, crying over what I had

Some people make me happy Most of them drive me Mad

But when I find myself rarely I turn to be glad

I love reading, chess and a nice chat

hate going through why this and that

Know ME better when you find emotion

I prefer honesty, self confidence and devotion

Tell me your opinion frankly no pre-caution

I am simple but complex easy but hard to deal

how? I don't know my heart has no seal

I go with my days as the rotating wheel

Dreaming to find someone who can spiritually heal

my soul and take me with her to a love peak

this is my story this is what i seek

Although I hate things in me I never go weak

I will keep going on, years, months or even a weak

thanks a lot,,,,,,,

Ahmad FAhmy Gad